These two products seem to have nothing in common. But a hotel’s in-house AV provider is like a
Starbucks site inside a grocery store. When you buy your groceries, you don’t necessarily need to
purchase a Starbucks coffee. But the convenience (and the aroma!) can seem like a quick and easy fix.
The same is true about using an in-house production company. Not only does this seem to be a
convenient service, it is also a revenue stream for the venue.
As explained in this article written by fellow event production company SmartLink, these are the reasons
why a hotel promotes the use of the in-house AV and what you can do as a Meeting Planner to
negotiate the right contract for your needs.
In-house AV is a subject we frequently discuss with our clients as it appears in venue contracting. At TRG
we work with all our clients to navigate the working relationship with the in-house AV and negotiating
exclusivity requirements. Meeting planners are not required to use the in-house AV, but it is important
to understand the contracting with the hotel and why hotels promote the in-house AV.
TRG is proud to have established long partnerships with our clients as we have provided consistent, high
quality production support for our clients at events across the country in venues large and small. See
how TRG Meeting Partners can help you be the hero of your next corporate event!